Food and wine pairingRoast beef with Crozes-Hermitage


  • 14 oz of barded roast beef
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 dessert spoon of olive oil
  • 12 cl of water
  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • 1 thyme


The meet will be juicy and tender. The Crozes-Hermitage tannins appreciate the beef blood company. This one 'drawn’ the tannin for a perfect combination.  The red beef meat very rare brings out the Crozes-Hermitage.


Preheat the oven at 428°F (thermostat 7-8).

Put the roast beef with bards and strings in an oven compatible plate. Cut the garlic clove in two parts and scrub the roast beef with it. Sprinkle the roast beef with thyme and spray some olive oil. Place the garlic clove on the roast beef.

Put the roast beef in the oven for 15 minutes. Get the roast beef out, and remove the bard and the strings. Add the water, salt, pepper and let it cook 10 to 15 minutes more according to the poach you desire.